How to recover fast for the next day of great hiking

If you are anything like me and pack your mountain hiking adventure into only a few days at a time, fast body recovery for the next day is essential. If you camp overnight, there can be so much to carry in your heavy backpack. After a full day of walking, your muscles are fatigued and there is a build up of lactic acid causing stiffness and pain. So, if you want to recover by the next morning and be ready for the next great adventure, here are some useful tips.

To reduce the symptoms of pain, swelling and inflammation I recommend enzyme therapy;  take potent bromelain, quercetin or papain supplements and magnesium powder/tablets during the day and before bed.  If you do only daily hiking trip  i recommend to eat ½ a fresh pineapple before bed. Canned pineapple will not do anything as it does not contain proteolitic enzymes


So how does this enzyme therapy work?

Enzyme therapy helps to normalise your body pH, speeds up tissue repair by bringing nutrients to the damaged area, improves circulation in the body, and removes waste products. Therefore you will wake up in the morning totally pain free as if you never had that hard work out the day before.

Years ago I forgot to take my natural first aid kit with me while climbing Mt Warning at Murwillumbah in northern NSW. We were all very sore on our return, and it appeared that the next day of our adventure would be written off. That evening however on return to Murwillumbah I have decided to apply enzyme therapy  in practice. We have bought  a large pineapple in a supermarket and ate ½ a fresh large pineapple each. The next morning we woke up refreshed and totally pain free.


If you are doing an intense daily hiking or cycling trip and you stay in a local town or village, I would not recommend drinking coffee, or any soft drinks or alcohol. All of them are dehydrating, while alcohol may cause a hang over the next day. It is important to be alert, have a clear head and be vigilant in the mountains as weather conditions can change rapidly. An early night and a good sleep is mandatory as well, as the muscles need time to recover. Coconut water, now widely available in supermarkets  is an excellent electrolyte. Make sure you eat protein at every meal, as it is a building block necessary for your muscles to regenerate, containing amino acids.

After all, you may have driven hundreds of kilometres to have a memorable adventure, so make the best of it.

By Danuta Hulajko

About the Author Manager, Practitoner, DH Natural Medicine Clinic, Sydney

258Danuta Hulajko is  a holistic practitioner, international speaker,  founder of the DH Natural Medicine Clinic and , Sydney. She specialises in anti-aging, autoimmunity, digestive and heavy metals chelation. For more information please go to our website. You can follow Danuta Hulajko work, events, seminars, expos, latest health research, her health tips and advice on Facebook  and LinkedIn. In her free time she is an enthusiastic hiker.

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