What’s the Big Deal About Detoxification?
Detox. It’s a term you’ve no doubt heard a lot of on TV, in magazines or in the gym. But why should you ‘detox’? Detoxification is your body’s natural process of changing dietary and environmental toxins into less harmful substances before eliminating them from your body. You may think what is the big deal about detoxification? It is a complex process as we are more toxic than our parents and grandparents were. Supporting natural detoxification processes can help improve digestive function and may facilitate healthy weight loss, however the benefits do not stop there as healthy detoxification pathways may also lead to a reduction in other seemingly unrelated symptoms, such as sore joints, headache, fatigue or painful periods. Even if you’re fit and well, for many people a regular detox leaves them feeling more energised whilst reducing the toxin load. Because someone is training intensively at the gym, it does not mean that a person is not toxic and this is probably why he/ she still cannot lose weight. Toxins in Daily Life. The term ‘toxin’ refers to any substance with the potential to interfere with normal cellular function and which may negatively impact both your short and long-term health. You do not have to look very far to find toxins as they may be found in household chemicals, personal care products, and also in some foods (e.g. food may be exposed to pesticide residues or toxic metal contaminants). Your body is designed to remove these toxins via the ‘channels of elimination’, i.e. your liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, lymphatic system; however it is possible for these channels to become overwhelmed, depending upon your level of exposure, and this may reduce your overall health and wellbeing. Chronic health conditions are due to the excretion, elimination and detoxification process going wrong somewhere in the body. We see all this in people around us. So it pays to do the detoxification the right way.
Why Choose a Practitioner Only Detox Program?
Walk into any pharmacy or health food store today and you will find a number of over the counter detox products. However, since these packages don’t assess your individual health requirements they are limited in their ability to meet your detoxification needs. A personalised program based on your specific health history, together with the added benefit of professional support and advice from your qualified Practitioner can have a much greater impact on your detox capacity – helping to promote long-term wellbeing beyond the duration of the program. People may have many reasons why they have toxins. Food toxins are not the only toxins we should worry about. Toxins are be heavy metals, xenoestrogens, pesticides, chemical, fluoride, bromides and even an electromagnetic fields. Unfortunately, the environmental toxins are on an increase and our Naturopath can make you aware of them and show you how to avoid them.
Herbal Help to Boost Your Detox
The Practitioner Only Detox Program incorporates three key herbal and nutritional formulas, based on scientific research, to lay the foundation for effective detoxification. These formulas focus on supporting the three main channels of elimination: the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. Many over the counter products do not support all organ of body elimination and can do more damage than good. Majority of toxins are stores in the body fat and intracellular or extracellular space. You do not want ” the hell of toxins get loose” and do more damage to you liver, the kidneys or the brain.
Detox Diet and Lifestyle Support
Modern diets can be a major source of ongoing toxin exposure due to the intake of caffeine, alcohol and refined processed foods, which typically contain artificial additives, preservatives and toxic fats. Not only do these add to your toxin burden but put unnecessary pressure on your organs of detoxification. By minimising certain foods, whilst increasing your intake of plant based wholefoods, you can enhance the effects of the herbal and nutritional formulas and boost your detox capacity. During your personalised detox program, your Practitioner will advise you on the specific dietary and lifestyle measures that will help you get the best results.
The Path to Long-Term Wellness
Supporting effective detoxification is a cornerstone of Natural Medicine practice. A personalised detox program prescribed by your Practitioner can not only help you achieve optimal results but offers long-term benefits for your health and wellbeing that cannot be matched by an over the counter package. The Practitioner Only Detox Programs are simple and easy to follow, accompanied by a comprehensive diet and lifestyle plan, and come with the qualified support and advice of your Practitioner – so speak to our Practitioner about a detox program today and put yourself on the path to long-term wellness.
Talk to our Practitioner today about better living through detox today.
by Danuta Hulajko
About the Author
Danuta Hulajko is a holistic practitioner, international speaker, founder of the DH Natural Medicine Clinic and www.healingremedies.com.au , Sydney. She specialises in anti-aging, autoimmunity, digestive disorders and heavy metals chelation. For more information please go to our website. You can follow Danuta Hulajko work, events, seminars, expos, latest health research, her health tips and advice on Facebook and LinkedIn