As winter approaches, Australians face the annual pharmaceutical advertising juggernaut offering flu vaccinations for what the media often report is an ‘upcoming pandemic’. There are many side effects of flu vaccination, while on the, on the other hand, a naturopathic philosophy is “prevention is better than cure”. Some people may be unaware that they suppress their immune system and their loved one unintentionally and on a daily basis. Older people, people in nursing homes and patients in hospitals are even more prone to infections due to dietary errors of some dietitians. A diet of the 90 years old and immune compromised man, (a patient of mine) in the local nursing home has constituted of copious amount of dairy products and was loaded with sugar from Sustagen chocolate milk shakes, jellies and custards. If you have children eating lunch at school or at a university canteen this is a check list for them as well.
Immune system is suppressed by the following factors:
- Sugar and everything containing it: sweets, soft drinks, confectionary, ice cream
- Processed carbohydrates: cakes, biscuits, snacks, breakfast cereal, white bread, pasta etc.
- Chemically altered and artificial fats: margarines, butter replacements, cooking vegetable oils, processed foods with these fats
- Lack of high quality protein in the diet from meats and fish, eggs, nuts and seeds
- Exposure to man–made chemicals; cleaning and washing chemicals, personal care products, paints, fire retardant, petrochemicals, pesticides, etc
- Exposure to man–made radiation: electronic screens (TV, computers, play stations etc), mobile phones, high power electricity lines, cooking and reheating in microwave oven, nuclear stations and nuclear wastes
- Drugs: antibiotics, steroids, antidepressants, painkillers, anticancer medications, antiviral drugs
- Lack of fresh air and physical activity
- Lack of exposure to sunlight
- Living in too sterile environment. The immune system needs constant stimulation from the microbes in the environment
This is why we have developed 6 weeks Immune Boost Program to prepare your body for immune challenges of this winter season. Our Clinic can assist you in strengthening your immune system or assist you to overcome your cold or flu. There are no side effects of using herbs. An alternative medicine practitioner always adopts a comprehensive approach in the patient’s treatment which might involve lifestyle changes, diet advice stress management, and nutritional supplements. This is complemented by a wide range of herbs just to mention only a few such as antiviral, antibacterial, lymphatic or immunostimulating herbs. A practitioner will prepare a formula, which will address your specific health problems and advise you on the dietary requirements during cold and flu.
If you would like more advice or assistance of an alternative medicine practitioner and to find out if you qualify for our 6 weeks Immune boost Program please call Danuta Hulajko from the DH Natural Medicine Clinic.
At this time of year an effective our Immune Boost Program offers support for patients to help protect them from the dreaded winter lurgy; minimising the impact illness can have on their lives. To find out more please also read our blog about stimulating your immune system.
If you would like to know more about how the DH-Natural Medicine Clinic can help you, please call us now on (02) 4854 0205
About the Author
Danuta Hulajko is a holistic practitioner, international speaker, founder of the DH Natural Medicine Clinic and , Sydney. She specialises in anti-aging, autoimmunity, digestive disorders and heavy metals chelation. For more information please go to our website. You can follow Danuta Hulajko work, events, seminars, expos, latest health research, her health tips and advice on Facebook and LinkedIn