Many of us have plastic dust (nanoparticles) inside our bodies. The full consequences of that as yet to be seen but findings so far are alarming. Researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Amsterdam University Medical Center analyzed blood samples taken from 22 healthy anonymous donors for traces of common synthetic polymers larger than 700 nanometers across. 1.
It has been known for a long time that plastics and polymers disrupt hormonal balance in all living organisms. They can be grouped into xeno-estrogens and endocrine disruptors, but both of them affect hormones. Therefore there is no surprise that there is an increase in estrogen dominance conditions in women like endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, uterine fibroids, and estrogen dependant cancers.
What are xeno-estrogens?
Xeno- estrogens are manmade toxins that disrupt the normal work of the estrogen hormone, by locking on the estrogen receptors. When combined with estrogen already present in the body, the estrogen can cause cell mutations and breast cancer in women, along with other health issues. The more estrogen you are exposed to, the more estrogen and progesterone receptors we can produce. The last seven days of the cycle is the most crucial on preventing the absorption of xeno-estrogens. Some xenoestrogens disrupt regular hormonal action without binding to estrogen receptors. Instead, they create complex signaling pathways in the cell protein to turn on certain genes.
Your xeno-estrogen load can be minimised by devising you a dietary and lifestyle plan and by minimising exposure.
Common sources of xenoestrogens are:
- PCB’s plastics
- Bisphenol A ( BPA)
- Pesticides
- Animal protein *(chemical fed, such as chicken, eggs, dairy, beef)
- Plastics: Cling film
- Styrofoam cup with hot liquid
- Bread in plastics
- Microwaving any food in a plastic container
- and many more chemicals
*Xenoestrogens accumulate in fish, meat, and when consumed and collect in fatty tissue.
Therefore it is advisable to be well informed and do your own homework when doing gardening, renovating home or just buying or storing your food.
What are endocrine disruptors?
Endocrine disruptors work in many ways, by mimicking, blocking, and triggering hormonal activity. Over 100, 000 synthetic chemicals are now in widespread use. Examples of endocrine disruptors are:
- Fungicides
- dioxins( contained in most commercially retailed sanitary pads and tampons)
- PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) now banned, but still present in pesticides, electrical transformers, hydraulic fluid, compressors, varnishes, inks, flame resistors, carbonless copy paper, and some cosmetics
- Heavy metals
- Organochlorides
- Parabens( present in deodorants)
- Dioxins- by-products of chloride bleaching from industry ( pulp mills etc), present in sanitary products and disposable nappies
- Chloride bleaches
- Chloride, fluoride in water
If you would like to know more about how natural medicine can help you, please contact Danuta Hulajko on 02 4854 0205
Danuta Hulajko is a holistic practitioner, international speaker, the founder and the practitioner at the DH Natural Medicine Clinic and www.healingremedies.com.au , Southern Highlands. She specialises in anti-ageing, autoimmunity, thyroid conditions, digestive disorders, cardiovascular health, heavy metals chelation and CIRS ( mould related illness). For more information please go to our website. You can follow Danuta Hulajko work, events, seminars, expos, latest health research, her health tips and advice on Facebook and LinkedIn