Long covid or postcovid syndrome affects many body systems and organs. The organs most at risk are the lungs, cardiovascular system, brain, and gut. The reason is that covid spike protein enters the cell via Angiotensin (ACE2) receptor which is present in the nose, oral mucosa, heart, lungs, and colon. When spike protein enters the heart muscle it causes a cascade of events leading to myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis ( inflammations of the membrane around the heart) and other complications such as immobilizing blood clots (micro clotting ). So it is important to monitor your level of inflammation in the body regardless if you have comorbidities or not.
What are the risk factors of Post covid syndrome?
High-risk postcovid complications are in orderly people, with chronic predisposing conditions such as being overweight, insulin resistance, compromised immunity, chronic inflammation, genetic predisposition, environment, and poor lifestyle choices. In terms of cardiovascular health, any preexisting heart condition makes the patient vulnerable to postcovid complications.
Natural therapies for treatment and prevention
I specialize in the treatment of cardiovascular conditions however and I will not elaborate here on any specific supplements or herbs for many reasons. All cardio patients are on prescription medications such as blood thinners, and blood pressure and some medications that may interfere with herbs, supplements, or even food. When treating a patient I always check for those contraindications against prescription drugs as supplementation or when patients are self-prescribing. What I mean is that some herbs may enhance or weaken the action of the drug. I support cardio patients on and with no medications and I have never turned a patient away because he/she was on medications. There is always a way and plenty of herbs to choose from. Nevertheless, turmeric, fish oil, ginkgo biloba, or garlic are blood thinners, and every doctor, cardiologist, or anesthesiologist should be aware of this. I have seen patients bruising or bleeding just by just taking fish oil or a high dose of turmeric.
A skilled naturopath or herbalist will dispense you an appropriate anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, cardioprotective, cardiotonic, immune modulators, nerviness, adaptogens, anxiolytic, or other applicable herbs.
Lifestyle changes for strong immunity
Myocarditis and pericarditis can be life-threatening if left untreated so all patients should b under a doctor’s care. Recovery takes time from weeks to months. In conjunction with support from your cardiologist, a naturopath can help you to minimize the risks. These include strengthening immunity, reducing inflammation, implementing an anti-inflammatory diet, and managing stress. In cardio patients, I would recommend consulting your cardiologist in terms of exercise regime. Generally, less strenuous activities such as walking, swimming, stretching, or light cycling are recommended. A Mediterranean diet consisting of whole food is recommended. Salt, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco should be limited to reduce inflammation in the body.
If you would like to know more about how natural medicine can help you, please contact Danuta Hulajko on 02 4854 0205
Danuta Hulajko is a holistic practitioner, international speaker, the founder and the practitioner at the DH Natural Medicine Clinic and www.healingremedies.com.au , Southern Highlands. She specialises in anti-ageing, autoimmunity, thyroid conditions, digestive disorders, cardiovascular health, heavy metals chelation and CIRS ( mould related illness). For more information please go to our website. You can follow Danuta Hulajko work, events, seminars, expos, latest health research, her health tips and advice on Facebook and LinkedIn