As Rose geranium in my garden is now in full bloom so I had to make this “therapeutic” Rose geranium cake.
I would like to share with you my favourite Rose geranium cake recipe of Jane Newdick’s from her “Book of Herbs”. You will have an adrenal tonic and antioxidant cake. I use gluten free flour like kamut or quinoa and xylitol as a sweetener. This is a special layer cake for a Spring party.
Perargonium odorantisimus or Rose geranium has traditionally been used as adrenal restorative tonic, balancing menstruation, harmonizing menopause, regulating blood sugar level, relieving fatigue, oedema, inflammation, antiparasitic and astringent. The therapeutic tincture is not available in Australia. However you may buy Rose geranium, Pelargonium odorantisimus from a local nursery. When in season you may juice a small branch together with your morning juice for morning adrenal pick up and energy or make a refreshing tea by infusion.
For the cake mixture:
4 eggs
150g icing sugar
75g plain white flour
75 g cornflour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
5 Rose geranium leaves finally chopped
For the filling:
425ml whipped cream
50g icing sugar
10 pink rose petals or Rose geranium flowers , finely chopped
125 of fresh raspberries
Extra Geranium leaves for frosted leaves for decoration
Preparation and baking time: 45min, serves 6-8 people
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Separate the eggs and put the yolks into a blender with icing sugar. Blend until light and fluffy. In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites until stiff, then fold them carefully into the yolk mixture. Sift the two flours and baking powder together and add Geranium leaves. Gently fold the flour into the egg mixture. Grease a 20cm round springform cake tin and line the base with non-stick baking paper. Spoon the mixture into the tin and bake in the centre of the preheated oven fro about 25 minutes or until the cake is well risen and light brown. Unmold and cool on a wire rack. When completely cold, slice the cake into three layers.
To make the filling, whip the cream until stiff. Fold in half the sugar and the rose petals. Finally, add fresh raspberries. Spread one-half of the filling over the bottom layer, lay the middle part over it and spread with the rest of the filling. Place the top layer on the cake and decorate it with the rest of icing sugar, sifted over the cake, the berries and frosted Geranium leaves. Chill until required.
Frosted Geranium leaves
1. Choose small pretty shaped, Rose geranium leaves to frost with icing sugar.The leaves have to be dry with some stalk left. Beat an egg white with a fork until bubbly, but do not whisk it. With a fine paint brush, paint the eggs white all over the surface of the leaf, front and back, to completely cover it.
2. Quickly dip the leaf in and out of a pile of sugar on a plate and shake it so there is no excess of sugar. The whole leave has to be covered with sugar.
3. Transfer the sugared leaves to a cake cooling rack or a wire mesh tray and stand this in warm and dry place until the leaves have hardened and turned crispy, and the sugar is dry.