There are many therapeutic properties of garlic such as lowering cholesterol, reducing blood pressure, blood thinning, antiparasitic, antifungal, and antibacterial. Garlic is also indicated in the common cold and flu, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, hayfever, and in heavy metal toxicity reduction. I dispense a potent garlic tincture or tablets to treat atherosclerosis with great results.
If you have turned 50 recently you may have had an unexpected surprise turn up in the mail in the months that follow: a free bowel cancer (also known as colorectal cancer) screening kit mailed out as part of the Australian Government’s National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. It may seem like a strange birthday gift but the Government wants your poo because recent statistics show that bowel cancer was the second most common cause of cancer death in Australia, with age being a high-risk factor. A fundamental principle of health care is the adage “prevention is better than cure”. A recent Chinese systemic review and meta-analysis on garlic provides strong evidence that garlic can reduce the risk of gastric and colorectal cancers.. [i][ii]
In the study the association between garlic intake and reduction in the risk of gastric cancer was clear. Participants who consumed garlic every day had a significantly lower risk of gastric cancer than those who did not consume garlic. This meta-analysis combined the results of 20 studies regarding the association of garlic consumption with gastric cancer (11 studies) and colorectal cancer (nine studies). The results indicated that garlic intake significantly reduces the risk of gastric cancer and colorectal cancer, consistent with the epidemiological evidence supporting the correlation between garlic intake and a reduced risk of gastric and colorectal cancer.
Importantly, the potential tumour-preventing effect of garlic warrants further investigation in regard to the specific mechanism of the underlying antitumor activities. The researchers postulated that a high incidence of gastrointestinal cancer “may be related to particular diet habits [such as a high salt diet], increased level of stress and/or the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection prevalence in the Asian population. The medical researchers also mentioned that “some studies have shown the relationship among vegetable consumption, gastrointestinal tumors, and H. pylori, confirming that the increased consumption of fibres that are abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables is correlated with a reduced risk of gastrointestinal cancer.”
[i] Bowel cancer. Australian Government Cancer Australia c2023(updated 31 Aug 2022; accessed 24 Feb 2023). Available from https://www.canceraustralia.gov.au/cancer-types/bowel-cancer/statistics [ii] Wang Y, Huang P, Wu Y, Liu D, Ji M, Li H, Wang Y. Association and mechanism of garlic consumption with gastrointestinal cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncol Lett. 2022 Apr;23(4):125. doi: 10.3892/ol.2022.13245. Epub 2022 Feb 17. PMID: 35222725; PMCID: PMC8867184.
Source: The Herbal Extracts Company
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Danuta Hulajko is a Naturopath, international speaker and the founder & practitioner at the DH Natural Medicine Clinic and www.healingremedies.com.au in the Southern Highlands
Danuta specialises in Allergies, Anti-Aging, Auto-Immune Conditions, Cardiovascular Conditions, Female Reproductive, Long Covid, Menopause, Mould Toxicity, Skin Conditions, Stress and Insomnia and Thyroid Dysfunction.
For more information please go to our website. You can also follow Danuta Hulajko’s work, events, seminars, expos, latest health research, her health tips and advice on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.