Fasting is nothing new. It has been used in ancient times by Hippocrates, Plato then Paracelsus and Gandhi. The rewards and benefits of fasting are enormous. Fasting improves all body organs and In chronic conditions the results are better, where other methods have failed . Fasting is known to treat degenerative diseases. Weight loss is eminent as body eliminates all toxins and diseased tissue is metabolised as the source of energy. It also energising the body and sharpening the mind.
Fasting is one of the most effective methods in the treatment of the liver and the gallbladder and general body rejuvenation. Fasting allows rest for digestive and elimination systems. Total fasting however, being the most effective for some may be difficult to comply with. Therefore the next best method for liver cleanse is juice fasting. Juices have to be freshly made each time as they oxidise. Beetroot is very effective in blood cleansing, however please start from a small piece and gradually increase its content in mixed vegetable juices. Juicing is not suitable for diabetics and individuals with large kidney stones. This is why you should never detoxify the liver on your own and unless you clean the gut by one of the recommended by your practitioner methods. You also never mix fruits and vegetable juices. Day before juice fasting bowel purge is required.
Anyone embarking on the liver detoxification needs to prepare physically, mentally and emotionally. You need to be motivated to do this. So clearly defined goal is” I need my quality of live regained”. Be focused on that goal during the whole process. Timing is important. Spring to Summer is the best time to detoxify but also your level of stress, life commitments needs to be considered. Understanding the basic physiology of the digestive system helps tremendously to comply. This will help you to stay focused and do not cheat. I will guide you every step of the way. It is good to do this with the whole family to motivate each other.
The first step is to eliminate all animal products for at least one week followed by a 10 days gut cleansing. There are many ways to do that, but I prefer the method of Russian MD Elena Sklianskaja. It is simple and very effective as it involves drinking freshly made vegetable and fruit juices. Only the first day you may feel hungry then digestive system slows down and you will not feel hunger at all for the rest of the treatment.
Step two is dissolving any kidney stones, if present I use well proved and save Russian method.
Step three – detoxification of liver and gallbladder with juicing. Few options are available. At this stage you will not feel hungry at all. It is important to stay outdoors a lot, go for a walk. Intense exercise is not recommended as body’s energy is directed towards the detoxification and you will not have the energy any way.
Step four-coming out of juice fasting. This should take as long as the whole fasting process. Correct procedure is important and you should not overeat as during fasting the stomach is rapidly shrinking during fasting process.
Step five- you will commence a healthy lifestyle diet. Our practitioner will tailor such diet for your individual needs. In order for this process to be the most effective compliance is required. It is important do not have big meals as stomach will expand as before the detoxification. You will continue to loose weight now even easier as even by having smaller meals you will not feel hungry.